Each new year is filled with new hopes, dreams, goals, desires and sometimes the fear of the unknown. 💗 In order to pursue your dreams and desires, more than likely you will need to walk out of your comfort zone…you know that place where you feel safe . . .. into a place where it’s not so comfortable. 💗 So many of us want to do more, go further and see our dreams come to fruition but we wonder what’s stopping us from that pursuit. 💗Most of the time it is our very self . . it’s our mindset . . it’s believing lies, lack of confidence etc.💗
As a Christian, I daily remind myself of who I am in Christ. 💗That alone brings such confidence to my inner being. 💗If you haven’t ever done a Bible study on your Identity in Christ I highly recommend it. It will free you and liberate you and break the chains that we so often wrap around ourselves. 🙌🏼💗
The Bible is filled with so many amazing truths that if we will meditate and believe those things are true it will help pivot us forward towards are dreams, desires and all that God has for us. 💗For example, when I want to go out of my comfort zone but that lack of confidence is there I remind myself what Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 👊🏼💪🏼💗 I keep repeating that verse and reminding myself I have nothing to be scared of for He is with me wherever I go and whatever I do. 💗When I feel beaten down and feel like I can’t go on I remember what Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 💗I could go on and on but I’m running out of room.
My word for 2019 is CONFIDENCE. 💗Confidence to keep pursuing all what the Lord has for me and knowing with complete confidence as I move forward and walk out of my comfort zone that He is there right by my side to see me through. 🙌🏼💗
I pray you have a blessed day and very blessed New Year! Emily💗